Chief Financial Officer appointed
The Regional Board has appointed Lyle Smith as the Chief Financial Officer for the Regional District of Central Okanagan. The interim appointment of CAO Brian Reardon to the position has been rescinded.
BC Transit interim Agreements amended
The Regional Board supports interim amendments to the annual BC Transit Operation Agreement and Service Specifications memorandum. Among the changes, September 1 sees the introduction of the Free Transit for children age 12 and under program. As well, it’s proposed that 3,100 service hours will be added for the fall with the anticipated introduction of the BC Restart initiative.
Community Excellence Award submissions
The Regional Board endorses the submission of two entries by the Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission to the Union of BC Municipalities Community Excellence Awards. One entry features the Strategic Planning and Community Engagement process while the second entry focusses on the EDC’s OKGo Regional Sector Marketing Partnership. The awards will be presented during the annual UBCM conference September 13-17 in Vancouver.
Corporate Sustainability update
The Regional Board has received an update on Corporate Sustainability initiatives. It has also approved amending the 2021-2025 Financial Plan to include spending up to $30,000 to develop a corporate Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy and up to $40,000 for a community engagement process leading to the eventual introduction of the BC Energy Step Code for energy efficient new construction.
Green Vehicle implementation plan
The Regional Board has approved a plan to implement the corporate Green Vehicle and Equipment policy. The plan outlines actions that will be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the RDCO fleet and equipment pools. The Board will receive an annual update on how the plan is progressing.
Regional District office – 1450 KLO Road, Kelowna (Woodhaven Boardroom) – Limited public attendance allowed with health orders on public gatherings