As we head into May long weekend, residents and visitors to Kelowna are reminded to keep City parks safe and clean for everyone to enjoy.
Even with the anticipated rainfall, conditions remain very dry and wildfires can start at any time. No open burning is allowed within City limits both on public property (parks, trails and beaches) or private property. Campfires and outdoor wood burning appliances, including wood-fueled fire pits, are not permitted at any time. Briquette barbecues are not allowed in City or Regional District of Central Okanagan parks, however, barbecues are allowed on beaches within the City of Kelowna. Anyone who sees fire or smoke in any park should immediately call 9-1-1 or *5555 for wildfire.
Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes and cannabis, is banned from all City and regional parks and beaches.
Dog owners are reminded to pick up after their pets in all parks and public spaces. If they poop, you must scoop! Owners caught not picking up after their pet could face up to a $150 fine.