Okanagan Lake continues to slowly drain.
Emergency Operations spokesperson Jodie Foster says the lake level dropped another 4 mms from Monday to sit at 343.177 metres above sea level.
Foster says a positive development in the flood fight, this week, is the heat.
"The hot weather does help, in that it helps with evaporation and no additional precipitation going into the lake," she says.
But Foster says the high wind, forecast for Tuesday evening, could cause some trouble along the foreshore.
"It could, so just make sure you've gone around, and checked any of your flood protections on the lake to make sure they're in good shape, and then bolster them if needed because there is wind expected to gust up to 50-kilometres-an-hour this evening," she says.
Foster says it'll be sometime before barriers along lakefront properties can be removed; Okanagan Lake is still 70 cms above its normal level.
For more flood information check www.cordemergency.ca.