Kelowna city staff are continuing to develop a guiding document for the future of the city, called Imagine Kelowna.
Monday, council heard an update on the project that's continuing to build long-term ideas based off of public engagement.
The final project is expected to be a big-picture type of guide, that will help dictate decisions surrounding the development, growth management, and resource management of the city.
But councillors also heard from a special guest on Monday, in Frida Morales - an eleventh grade student at Immaculata High School.
She spoke about how important it is for young people to feel heard.
"Us young people, we're so passionate and creative. We want to be innovative, we want to take care of our environment - we want to co-exist with it, and be responsible for our resources," she said.
"We want to be connected to one another, and we want to bring change - good change - to our world and our community. Imagine Kelowna strives for that, and I support it fully."
She also talked about how much people her age think about issues related to the environment.
"It seems to me like every generation makes one step forward, but then takes two steps backwards. How? By creating temporary solutions with immediate profits, regardless of future consequences. The next generation then has to fix the mistakes of the previous, and the cycle continues," she said.
"We do not want to fix mistakes that can be easily avoided, if only someone takes into consideration the future impact of their decisions."
The draft plan will be sent to public consultation in the new year, with final approval being sought in March.