As colder weather sets in, Vernon Fire Rescue Services (VFRS) and the City of Vernon are reminding businesses to manage waste properly to reduce fire risks.
Piles of garbage or recycling left outside can become fire hazards, especially during winter months.
“Proper waste management can significantly lower fire risks in the community,” said Deputy Chief Brian Parsons. “We encourage everyone to keep outdoor spaces clear of debris. Simple actions can help minimize hazards and improve safety for all.”
To ensure safety this season, businesses and residents are advised to:
· Keep the perimeter of your building clear of garbage and combustibles. Do not allow garbage or combustible materials to accumulate.
· If participating in the loose bag collection program, keep garbage and recycling inside until the day of collection and place for collection only at scheduled collection times.
· If a bag is missed during collection, bring it back inside until the next designated collection day and time.
· Tidy any materials that becomes scattered prior to collection
Businesses with larger garbage containers should also be aware of additional fire safety regulations under the City of Vernon Fire Services Bylaw #5635. Larger garbage containers (over 90 litres) must be stored at least five metres from combustible materials or unprotected building openings. If this clearance isn’t possible, containers must be non-combustible, have self-closing lids, and be at least one metre away, subject to approval by the Director of Fire Rescue Services.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in fines or penalties. Businesses are also responsible for arranging disposal of oversized items like wooden pallets. Leaving them outside is considered illegal dumping.