"Canada's Most Dangerous Places" have been named.
Kelowna was listed at 34th. There were some improvements in robbery, and drinking and driving numbers for the city, but there's also some backtracking in the areas of homicide, fraud and hard drug offenses.
Maclean's Magazine puts Vernon at number 9 and Penticton is 16th. Vernon also ranked 5th in Break and Enters with 490 of them in 2016. Penticton was 6th in that category.
Williams Lake ranked the worst in BC at number 4 overall, while North Battleford, Saskatchewan has the dubious honour of #1 most dangerous.
Lake Country, Summerland and West Kelowna are all close together in the rankings at 113, 117 and 119, respectively.
Kennebecasis, New Brunswick is the least dangerous community on the list.