The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce has many questions about the upcoming implimentation of BC's new proof of vaccination card.
It takes effect September 13th for a variety of venues and events from restaurants to Kelowna Rockets hockey games.
Chamber President Jeffery Robinson said many members are uncertain as to how this is to roll out.
“The last thing we want to see September 13th is a mess of confusion. Angry customers, businesses confused, staff put in the middle - that is a recipe for hard feelings on all sides and it probably won’t have the same impact on public health that we’d like to see. We’re just really calling for information at this time to make sure that timeline is reasonable when all indications are right now that it isn’t reasonable. Businesses are asking all sorts of questions.”
Robinson said there are many businesses in full support.
“Particularly I’m seeing a lot of support from the retail and hospitality sectors, those who have been most impacted by the restrictions on capacity, restrictions on hours. Of course it’s natural if you’re on a hockey team that has limited capacity in your arena and it has been cut down due to restrictions and this looks like an opportunity to open it up, that’s going to be great.”
Robinson stated they aren't asking for a delay in the vaccine card, but there are basic questions the province needs to answer such as who does a business turn to when enforcement becomes a problem.