Richter Street multi-family
Council issued a development permit for a three-storey, 10-unit rental townhouse development at 2125 and 2137 Richter Street, between Cadder and Glenwood Ave. The development includes a mix of one to three bedrooms. The two existing homes on the property will be demolished.
Glenmore supportive housing
Council gave first reading to the proposed rezoning and Official Community Plan amendments for a development on 330 Valley Road, proposed to include 30 townhouses and 158 supportive housing (senior’s Independent living) on 4.59-acre site. The proposal goes to the June 18 public hearing.
How we grow
Council received an update on the development of a new land use plan for the 2040 Official Community Plan, focusing on six proposed key directions, including more housing variety in the core area, multimodal urban transportation corridors and no increase to the permanent growth boundary. Read the full report here.
Electric vehicle chargers
Four new DC Fast Charge electric vehicle charging stations will be installed in Kelowna. The City and FortisBC have entered into a partnership to add four new fast chargers around the city — one will be placed at the Kelowna Museum parking lot, next to two other Level 2 chargers, one at Rutland Centennial Park parking lot and two at YLW. These stations will provide an 80 per cent charge in just 30 minutes.