Recreation and Activity Centres Loan Authorization Bylaw
Council adopted Bylaw 12540 to advance the accompanying $241 million loan authorization for the recreation and activity centres project. A total of 4,153 electors (3.4 per cent of electors) submitted valid forms through the Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to oppose the bylaw. The number of elector responses required to defeat the proposal was 12,160 (10 per cent of electors citywide).
Progress Report on Council Priorities 2023–2026
Staff presented the six-month progress report on Council’s 2023–2026 six priorities: crime and safety, affordable housing, homelessness, transportation, agriculture, and climate and environment. Council directed staff to provide a 12-month progress on Council Priorities in March 2024.
2023 Growing Communities Fund Grant and Council Strategic Initiatives Funds Allocation
Council approved an amendment to the 2023 Financial Plan to include $13,654,300 of Council priority projects funded from the Growing Communities grant fund, and the contribution of all remaining Growing Communities grant funds and Council Strategic Initiatives funds to reserve to be used to fund future Council priority projects.
Climate Resolution
Council adopted a resolution declaring a climate crisis to demonstrate Council’s concerns regarding the impacts of climate change. Staff are currently developing a Climate Resilient Kelowna Strategy which is expected to be completed early next year.
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