New transit facility
Council rezoned City-owned land at 4690 Hwy 97 N , located south of UBCO, for the development of a new regional transit operations and maintenance facility. The proposal is consistent with the City’s Transportation Master Plan which recognizes that investing in transit is critical to supporting the 2040 Official Community Plan and keeping Kelowna moving as the city’s population grows.
Glenmore Drive rental apartments
Council preliminarily approved a rezoning of three lots at 1256, 1260, and 1270 Glenmore Dr. for a proposed six-storey rental apartment.
Highrise downtown rental tower
Council has given initial approval to rezoning a downtown highrise to a rental-only building. The proposed 40-storey tower is located at 1355 St Paul St.
Guisachan apartments
Council OK’d a development permit for a six-storey apartment building at the corner of Gordon Dr and Cameron Ave. The proposal, adjacent to Guisachan Village, includes 62 units and ground-floor commercial space.
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