Black Mountain housing development
Council considered a rezoning request for a 22-lot subdivision in Black Mountain. The RU-6 zoning would allow for 10 duplexes on the property at 1075 Stockley Street. Council gave first reading to the proposed rezoning and forwarded the project to the February 4 public hearing.
Rutland car wash development
Council deferred a decision on issuing a development permit for a proposed car wash at 340 Hwy 33, the corner of Dougall Road and Hwy 33, asking the developer to revamp its application to meet the City's urban centre streetscape and design guidelines.
Action Plan 2020
Council received the City’s Action Plan 2020, outlining nearly 100 projects and significant actions across all City divisions to deliver results aligned to Council Priorities.
Flood mitigation grant
Council authorized staff to apply for a $350,000 grant from the UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund – Structural Flood Mitigation Program, to repair an area along Royal Avenue through Strathcona Park that flooded in 2017.
Senior and youth transit training
Council authorized staff to apply for a BC Ministry of Health Age-friendly Communities Program grant to provide training to youth and seniors on how to use public transit. In partnership with BC Transit, staff developed a Senior and Youth Transit Travel Training Action Plan last year, as the ability to take transit can provide seniors and youth with enhanced freedom and independence. However, some people face challenges with taking transit, whether due to age-related limitations, lack of experience or access to information about the system.
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