UBC Okanagan presentation
Council received the UBC Okanagan report “Outlook 2040,” providing a future view of the campus and identifying the short and long term investments needed to move the university forward over the next 20 years. Read the full report here.
RCMP update
Kelowna RCMP Supt. Brent Mundle presented a quarterly update to Kelowna Council with data showing there were 55,152 calls for service last year (a 2% increase from 2017). Read the full report here.
Lakeshore multi-family
Council gave first reading to the proposed rezoning for a 26-unit rental housing development at 4119 Lakeshore Road, just south of the Lequime Road intersection, and forwarded the project to a future public hearing. The existing home will be demolished as part of the development.
Rutland multi-family
Council gave first reading to the proposed rezoning and Official Community Plan amendments for a five-storey building with five floors of residential and one floor of commercial at 140 Bach Road, on the corner of Bach and Rutland Rd. The project was forwarded to a future public hearing.
Council priorities 2019-2022
Council has identified six priority areas where they want to see a difference during their term of office, focusing on moving Kelowna closer to being the city residents envisioned through the Imagine Kelowna process. The full Council Priorities 2019-2022 document is available online at kelowna.ca/councilpriorities.
Final budget
Council approved the final 2019 Financial Plan, setting the overall increase at 4.1 per cent, which includes the 2.27 per cent infrastructure levy and 1.83 per cent for the municipal tax demand. The combined 4.1 per cent increase means the owner of a single-family home with an average assessed value of $684,450 in Kelowna will pay $2,072 in municipal taxes, an annual increase of $81.49. The final budget includes 21 new budget requests for emergent issues and to address demonstrated needs in the community. Read the full City budget and the 2019 Financial Plan at kelowna.ca/budget.