Multi-family housing
Council heard details around three separate multi-family housing developments. A development permit was issued for a 28-unit townhouse development in Kettle Valley, at the corner of Main Street and Chute Lake Road. Council also gave first reading to the proposed rezoning and Official Community Plan amendments for 61 units of multi-family row housing at 1550 Union Road in Wilden and forwarded the project to the May 21 public hearing. And Council gave first reading to the proposed rezoning and Official Community Plan amendments for a 48-unit rental housing development on West Avenue, half a block west of Pandosy Street. It was also forwarded to the May 21 public hearing.
Energy Step Code
Council approved the BC Energy Step Code, a gradual, step-by-step move towards ensuring new homes are net-zero energy by 2032. Housing units in Kelowna account for about 21 per cent of the city's greenhouse gas emissions. Read the full report here.
Short term rentals
Council is considering new rules to allow short-term rentals of secondary suites and carriage houses. Following the March 12 public hearing, Council approved the short-term rental regulations and also requested that staff prepare a text amendment to allow short-term rentals in secondary suites and carriage houses. The proposed bylaw amendment goes to a public hearing on May 21.
Council agreed to new bikeshare regulations that will include a permitting process and allow bikeshare operators, with the appropriate approvals, to explore new ways of providing flexible, affordable and accessible transportation options. Read the bikeshare permit program details here.