Property crime across Kelowna is in fact down statistically, but there have been increases in certain neighbourhoods.
For example, there are concerns about the area around the Richter Street homeless shelter in the downtown, from both local businesses and members of the public.
Kelowna Director of Community Safety Darren Caul says property crime is largely preventable.
"Every town and city regardless of size has to, unfortunately, contend with people out to steal their stuff. There are a number of things we can all do to ensure that a motivated criminal has to assume a lot of risk in terms of getting caught."
Caul says the RCMP and bylaw can't do their jobs if you don't report suspicious behaviour.
Maybe it's what appears to be a drug deal on a downtown sidewalk. Perhaps you eye-witness a bike rider heading into a neighbourhood in the middle of the night, wearing dark clothes with a hood pulled over the head. Or, you witness a prowler checking vehicle doors or climbing fences to enter a neighbour's property.
Caul says the city and its partners need all the information they can get in order to respond to upticks in crime quickly and effectively.