Tracy Gray, Conservative MP for Kelowna-Lake Country, issued the following statement regarding the Liberal-NDP backroom deal announced by the Prime Minister this morning:
“This Liberal-NDP backroom coalition is another power-grab by the Prime Minister done in secret with no accountability. Canadians didn’t vote for an NDP government, yet will now have rejected NDP policies imposed onto them through 2025. Over the course of the pandemic, we’ve seen record deficits and Canada’s national debt balloon to over $1 trillion for the first time in our history. The Liberals have continued to increase taxes. With this Liberal-NDP backroom coalition, we can only expect this to increase with a high-spending, high-tax agenda.
“It was especially disingenuous when the Prime Minister today expressed concerns about the ‘erosion of democracy’ – when he only has to look at his own record. In the past few years alone, the Liberals prorogued Parliament to shut it down, sued the Speaker of the House of Commons when they didn’t like his ruling, called a snap election in the middle of a pandemic when ash was falling from the sky in Kelowna-Lake Country due to wildfires, delayed recalling Parliament for over two months, created policies to censor free speech and restrict liberties, and have now agreed to this backroom coalition with the NDP, which Canadians did not vote for. If the Prime Minister wants to talk about the ‘erosion of democracy’, he should look in the mirror.
“Conservatives and I will use every tool in our parliamentary toolbox to hold this Liberal-NDP backroom coalition to account."