Canadian Blood Services is calling on new and returning blood donors in Kelowna to help patients by booking an appointment to donate before or immediately following the Canada Day holiday. The need for blood is rising fast as hospitals resume procedures that were put on hold due to COVID-19.
To meet the increase in demand, we are expanding our hours and adding hundreds of appointments every week. In July alone, there are nearly 500 open appointments to fill at the Kelowna blood donor centre at 103-1865 Dilworth Drive.
Donations often decrease during the summer months. Travel, holidays, family activities and changes in routines make it harder for people to find time to donate. But the demand for blood never stops. The summer season often translates into a higher number of accidents on the road with a greater potential of injuries requiring blood transfusions. It can take up to 50 donors to help save someone who has been in a motor vehicle accident.
While all blood types help patients, there is currently a greater need for O-negative blood because it is the only type compatible with all other blood types. As the universal donor, O-negative blood is always in need.
Download the GiveBlood app and join Canada’s Lifeline. Please call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or book now at