The second annual VegFest is taking place tomorrow at Immaculata high school.
According to co-organizer, Dr. Moira Drosdovech, the event is about raising awareness and promoting a cruelty free lifestyle.
“We have 72 vendors, about five food trucks, outdoor activities like a drumming circle, yoga and fitness. There’s a kids creation tent and activities for the kids to partake in. One of our highlights is about eight different presenters that are going to be talking on different subjects, as well as about six or seven different workshops and demonstrations," said Drosdevech.
Presenters will be speaking about positive aspects of veganism, health benefits, and impacts of dairy and the reality of the meat industry.
The event also aims to curb negative stigma associated with veganism.
“The veganism lifestyle is one that seeks to do as little harm as possible or practical to animals. We aren’t about perfection because you can’t be perfect. I think a lot of people think that vegans think we’re perfect and we’re high and mighty and that’s not the case. We just put animals forefront in our minds and we do as little harm as possible to them.”
The event runs from 10a.m to 5p.m. Entry is by donation