Kelowna RCMP Speed Watch is on the lookout for passionate and, dedicated volunteers to help keep our roads safe.
Speeding is the top contributing factor to car crash fatalities in BC and remains something to be addressed by every community. By joining Kelowna Speed Watch, you’ll be at the forefront of efforts to address areas of concern and make a difference in your neighbourhood and throughout the city area. Plus, as a member of Speed Watch you will engage with local law enforcement and community agencies to foster a culture of safety and responsibility.
RCMP speed watch offers flexible volunteering hours. Whether you can contribute a few hours a week or more, they’ll work with your schedule. Volunteering isn’t just about giving back—it’s also about personal growth. You’ll develop valuable skills in data collection, and community outreach.
Holly Hruschak has been an RCMP volunteer since 2015, “I enjoy being part of the Speed Watch program for it provides awareness to drivers to slow down in school zones, playground zones or residential areas. It is important to me to ensure that our children and citizens are safe in our community from speeders. I get the opportunity to meet other volunteers and other members of our community, and to share the importance of having this kind of program. I believe it shows the citizens that the police are listening and acting on their concerns about speeders.”
Whether you are building out your resume, wanting to volunteer in a wonderful program that makes a difference or building your community service hours, Kelowna Speed Watch is the perfect opportunity.
Connect with Kelowna Speed Watch today at