A number of properties in Lake Country are no longer under Evacuation Order and Alert.
Rescinded Evacuations Orders in Lake Country include 11019 Bottom Wood Lake Road (includes property signed as 11039 Bottom Wood Lake Road).
Rescinded Evacuation Alerts in Lake Country include:
Residents no longer under order or alert, may continue to experience increasing lake and ground water levels and should leave flood preparations in place.
Information on returning home after a flood
The Preparedness BC website has information to help those property owners with protecting their property from flooding and some considerations for those returning after a flood. Check out the homeowner handbook at: http://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/public-safety-and-emergency-services/emergency-preparedness-response-recovery/embc/preparedbc/preparedbc_flood_information_for_homeowners_and_home_buyers_web.pdf.
Interior Health also has information available for residents to consider before, during and after a flood, available at: https://www.interiorhealth.ca/YourEnvironment/EmergencyPreparedness/Pages/Flooding.aspx.
Information on flooding and electrical safety is also available for BC Hydro and FortisBC customers at www.bchydro.com and www.fortisbc.com respectively.
All other Evacuation Orders and Alerts remain in effect. Visit www.cordemergency.ca/map and search by address to determine if you or someone you know if under alert or order.
Conserve water & reduce sanitary sewer system strain
Residents of the Central Okanagan are reminded to conserve water, and not irrigate lawns or gardens. If pumping water from homes or property, pump onto the street, yard or into the storm drain system (grates on the street). Do not pump into the sanitary sewer system, doing so could cause water treatment facilities to become overtaxed.
Stay up-to-date
To view the most up to date information, and locations of sand and sandbags, go to www.cordemergency.ca and check out the latest updates and maps.