The Lake Life Lottery is the only dream home lottery in the Interior of BC whose proceeds benefit local, Okanagan charities serving the Interior region, and it’s back! This is the second year for the lottery, a unique partnership between the KGH Foundation and the YMCA of the Southern Interior of BC. With over $1.6 million in prizes to be won, it’s sure to make some big dreams come true.
The two charitable organizations officially launched the second year of the Lake Life Lottery today at the $1.37 million grand prize dream home in Quail’s Landing. The fully furnished home offers panoramic views of the Okanagan Golf Club’s 18th hole and adjacent lake. Included in this year’s grand prize is a one-year corporate membership to the Okanagan Golf Club.
“We are so excited to collaborate with the KGH Foundation again this year,” says Allyson Graf, President and CEO, YMCA of Southern Interior BC. “We share a common goal – our deep and genuine commitment to the health and well-being of this community.”
Allyson continues, “We were thrilled with how enthusiastically the community embraced Lake Life Lottery last year. We were ecstatic when a local family won the grand prize dream home. And we are grateful that we are back to do it again.”
Every dollar raised from the Lake Life Lottery stays in the Interior of BC, supporting the KGH Foundation and the YMCA of Southern Interior BC to create a healthier future for our families, friends and neighbours.
“These types of partnerships are integral for moving health care forward, at the local level, in our communities,” states Allison Young, CEO of the KGH Foundation. “This partnership illustrates what is possible when collaboration takes place between strong, trusted and well-established charitable organizations – both founded on a shared value system.”
Allison continues, “Now, more than ever, we need to support local. And through partnerships and initiatives like this, the benefits to the communities we serve can only improve.”
In addition to the grand prize dream home, prizes for the Lake Life Lottery include once-in-a-lifetime vacations and brand-new vehicles. New this year is the $91,000 ‘Splash of Cash’, a daily cash prize including holiday jackpots and a $29,000 Leap Year draw. And don’t forget about the 50/50 draw where you can win up to $800,000! The final lottery deadline is midnight on Dec. 20, 2023, and the final draw will take place on January 11, 2024.
Visit to learn more and purchase your tickets today.