More than 4,200 residents have already marked their ballots at the first 2022 General Local Election advance voting days.
On Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1,471 voters cast ballots at Parkinson Recreation Centre. On Saturday, Oct. 8, 2,792 voters attended three polls at Parkinson Recreation Centre, Dr. Knox Middle School and Hollywood Education Centre.
“We are pleased with the turnout so far,” said Laura Bentley, Chief Election Officer, City of Kelowna. “However, it’s very important that everyone gets out and votes in their municipal election because local government is the closest level of government to people’s everyday lives. We encourage residents to take advantage of their last chances to save time and vote at their convenience with the final three advance voting days taking place this week.”
With the exception of the Okanagan College and UBC Okanagan voting locations, which are open until 6 p.m., advance polls are open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the following:
Wednesday, Oct. 12
Thursday, Oct. 13 and Friday, Oct. 14
General voting day is Saturday, Oct. 15. Residents have 13 locations to choose from. View a map of poll locations, including those that are new, online at All voting locations are accessible to all electors. A voter assist terminal is available at Parkinson Recreation Centre.