The locks have been changed at a B.C. fitness studio that wasn't even supposed to be open when it tried to ban members who'd been vaccinated against COVID-19.
In a brief email to CTV News, a spokesperson with the Interior Health Authority said the locks were changed on Tuesday "after all other steps to gain compliance were exhausted."
The spokesperson said health authority investigators had "observed ongoing contraventions" of B.C.'s public health orders at Flow Academy in Kelowna.
The locks were changed to prevent further access to the business.
Earlier this spring, the City of Kelowna told CTV News the fitness studio, which offers activities including kickboxing and yoga, was not supposed to be open.
It had been operating without a business licence, the city said in early April.
Staff had applied, but the application was denied as the studio was "not in compliance with B.C. law and provincial health orders," the city's risk manager said at the time.
The update came after the studio posted on social media, "Flow Academy will not be accepting any applications for membership from anyone who has received any of the vaccine options for COVID-19."
The post, which has since been deleted, went on to list a number of false health concerns related to the vaccines. It attributed these claims to unnamed "health, wellness and witness-related facilities across Canada."
Interior Health said at the time it was trying to shut down the studio's false claims, saying there was no basis for excluding people who've been immunized.
The health authority said it had cited the studio for non-compliance with health orders, and issued a ticket to a woman for allegedly "interfering with a person exercising a power under the (public health authority)."
The studio did not respond to CTV News Vancouver's request for comment.
with files from CTV News