Officials are concerned with the welfare of shore spawning kokanee with the water level on Okanagan Lake at its lowest level in close to 20 years.
Shaun Reimer with the Ministry of Lands and Forests says it can be difficulty for the fish habitat if they haven't hatched completely.
"My understanding is most of those (kokanee) are well advanced that they can move out of the way and get out of the gravel".
Reimer says bringing down the level of Okanagan Lake can have an adverse affect down stream as well.
"But certainly some of the very high flows in the Okanagan River south of Penticton, that we have to have right now in order to drop the lake, are potentially scouring out some of the sockeye salmon eggs.
Reimer says the decision to drop the levels of the lake is shared by both provincial officials and the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans.