An Alberta man was given a hefty fine last Saturday after he got caught having a campfire in Kelowna.
Firefireghters found the campfire at a make shift camp in the parking lot of Dilworth soccer park after getting a report of visible flames in the forested area below homes on Dilworth Mountain.
The 20-year-old man attempted to extinguish the fire himself and left the area on foot before police arrived, leaving behind his belongings.
The man returned to the area as officers were preparing to tow his car.
“This could have been a very dangerous situation and serves as an appropriate reminder, that all campfires are prohibited throughout all Central Okanagan municipalities,” said Cpl. Jesse O’Donaghey. “Violators could not only receive fines, however may also be charged the cost of the fire crew’s response to a burning complaint.”
The man was fined $1,150 under the Wildfire Act.
Anyone who observes any camp fires or open burns attended or left unattended are urged to call 911.
To report a wildfire immediately call *5555 on your cellular device.
Kelowna RCMP