Central Okanagan Public Schools – "Inside 23"
Central Okanagan Public Schools – "Inside 23"
1. Pre-Employment Program: Extending Learning Horizons through Job Readiness, Academic Support and Community Integrated Employment
In attendance:
Kyla Bresch, Pre-Employment and YPP Program, English and Debate Teacher,
École Kelowna Secondary School
The goals of the Pre-employment Program (PEP) are to provide students with valuable opportunities to build job readiness skills in caring, connected, and well-established professions. Moreover, PEP seeks to strengthen students’ social/emotional competencies by increasing confidence and connection to the community. PEP’s work experience component is a community-integrated approach as employers collaborate with PEP coordinators to strengthen students’ skills, giving meaningful feedback that is brought back to classroom learning. This program is for students who struggle to succeed in academic classes and are interested in developing job-related skills and experience. At the same time, this program offers academic support by creating a PEP English and PEP Math component where learning is differentiated to meet students at their level. All students entering this program must be at least 15 years old and go through an information consultation, including students and parents, to determine suitability for the program. Pre- Employment is a versatile program as students may enter in one grade and stay in the program or transition out. All students in the program will cover a curriculum with coursework in Math and English geared to their appropriate performance level with differentiated instruction. This coursework includes 10-week job placements within the community. Students will rotate 10 weeks of learning at KSS, including Math, English, and other elective courses, then complete 10 weeks of work experience on a job placement. Students completing the program obtain an Evergreen Completion Certificate or, in unique circumstances, transition to an Adult or Dogwood Graduation certificate.
2. Learning from Nature
In attendance:
Leanne Kirschner, teacher, South Kelowna Elementary School
Kymberly Jennejohn, teacher, South Kelowna Elementary School
Siena Tootoo, grade 2, South Kelowna Elementary School
Farley Luckhurst, grade 2, South Kelowna Elementary School
Rhodes Davy, grade 2, South Kelowna Elementary School
Walker Tomlinson, grade 2, South Kelowna Elementary School
The staff and students in attendance shared their journey of taking risks and getting out of their comfort zone by going outside, following their voices, and learning from nature.
Action Items
1. Review of Transportation Fees for the 2024/2025 Fiscal Year
The Board of Education set the transportation fee to $450/year (increased from $400/year) for each bus rider, for the period effective July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
2. Amendments to Policy 135 – School Board Operation
The Board of Education approved the amendments to Policy 135 – School Board Operation.
Information Items
The Board of Education reviewed the following:
1. Amended Level 4 and 5 Field Study Summary – 2023/2024
2. Level 4 and 5 Field Study Summary – 2024/2025
3. General Statement – February 28, 2024
4. 2024/2025 School Fees Summary
5. Video Surveillance – Annual Report to the Board
Items of Special Mention
Trustees and the Assistant Superintendents spoke of the following.
1. Attendance/participation in various meetings and events throughout the District, including the BCSTA Thompson-Okanagan Branch Meeting in Vernon, Proud for Prom, OKM Talent Show held at the Community Theatre, art unveiling at École Peter Greer Elementary School, Ellison Elementary and Webber Road Elementary School Community Student Learning Plan Conversations, drama production at École George Elliot Secondary School, and the 2nd Annual RCMP/CNB Charity Basketball game.
2. A news release was recently issued announcing that Clark Builders was awarded the contract to design and build the new George Pringle Secondary School on the Westside. The new school will include a neighbourhood learning centre that can offer community programming including childcare, Indigenous and other cultural services, and family resources. The school will accommodate 1,200 students and is expected to be ready for the September 2027 school year. The estimated cost of the project is about $124 million. Thank you to our Operations team, and especially to Stuart Kamstra, Assistant Director of Capital and Planning, and Assistant Superintendent, Raquel Steen, for all of their hard work during the competitive procurement process.
3. Also announced this week, was the District's partnership with the Central Okanagan Food Bank to coordinate the Food for Thought program that supplies meals to students across the School District. Food for Thought buys and distributes breakfast food and backpack grocery hampers to schools with the help of over 70 community volunteers. Currently managed by the non-profit Hope for the Nations, the program will transition to be fully managed by the non-profit Central Okanagan Food Bank later this spring.
4. Athletics
- At the recent Senior Girls Basketball Provincial Tournament, the École Okanagan Mission Secondary Senior Girls placed 3rd and were selected the "Most Sportsmanlike Team". Two students were selected to the All Star Teams: Presley Hopf to the First Team All-Star and Faith Hunter to the Second Team All Star. The École Kelowna Secondary Senior Girls placed 7th. Congratulations to the players and coaches of both teams.
- The École Kelowna Secondary Curling team came so close to capturing the Provincial title on home ice with a 2nd place finish. Congratulations to the players and coaches.
- Sport BC recently celebrated the 56th Annual Athlete of the Year Awards. Congratulations to École Kelowna Secondary student, Nash Semeniuk, who received the High School Male Athlete of the Year (basketball and volleyball).
- Congratulations to grade 9 École George Elliot Secondary student, Caleb Trudeau, who became the BC Provincial Wrestling Champion in the 48 kg class. Caleb won 5 straight matches and only gaveup two points total over all five of his matches combined.
5. Congratulations to the MBSS Robotics Team on their first-place finish at the Canadian Pacific Regional First Robotics Competition recently held in Victoria. The team has earned a wildcard entry for the Houston, Texas World Championships being held in April.
6. A survey for input on the 2025-2026 School Calendar has been distributed to schools, parents and the community. Visit the School District homepage for the link to provide input.
7. Ahead of Spring Break travel, the Ministry of Education and Child Care is reminding British Columbians about the high risk of measles cases being brought back to B.C. due to ongoing measles outbreaks globally and decreasing vaccination coverage rates in Canada. Measles is a contagious, airborne virus. The Public Health Agency of Canada, the Provincial Health Officer, and the BC Centre for Disease Control, have issued statements advising individuals to check their measles immunization records and to vaccinate against measles prior to Spring Break travel. Vaccine appointments can be booked through local public health units.
Next Public Board Meeting
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
6:00 pm
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
6:00 pm
All Public Board Meetings take place in the Main Board Room at 1040 Hollywood Road South unless otherwise noted.
Board Standing Committee Meetings
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
4:00 pm Finance and Audit Committee
6:00 pm Planning and Facilities Committee
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
4:00 pm Finance and Audit Committee
6:00 pm Education and Student Services Committee
All Public Board Standing Committee Meetings take place in the Main Board Room at 1040 Hollywood Road South unless otherwise noted.