Notable topics discussed from the May 10, 2023 Public Board Meeting for Central Okanagan Public Schools.
Central Okanagan Public Schools – "Inside 23":
1. Red Dress Day – May 5, 2023
In attendance from Mount Boucherie Secondary School:
Toni Owens, Vice-Principal
Mary Redfearn, Teacher – Indigenous Academy
Carlee Mills-Doherty – Teacher
Xavier Robinson, Student
May 5, 2023 is Red Dress Day, also known as Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Day.
Red is worn to pause, to remember and reflect on the lost lives and continued violence against Indigenous
Women and Girls in Canada. Student, Xavier Robinson, spoke on how the day was originally established
in remembrance of the missing women and girls along the Highway of Tears. Teacher, Carlee Mills-Doherty,
spoke of the CBC podcast she has been teaching her students on "Who Killed Alberta Williams" who was
found dead along the Highway of Tears near Prince Rupert. Mary Redfearn, Academy of Indigenous
Studies teacher, assisted Xavier in the presentation, reflecting her advocacy for Indigenous leadership.
1. National Food Allergy Awareness Month
The Central Okanagan Board of Education declared May as Food Allergy Awareness Month in Central
Okanagan Public Schools.
Action Items:
1. Indigenous Education Preliminary Budget (2023/2024 Fiscal Year)
The Board of Education approved staff's proposed 2023/2024 Indigenous Education Program Preliminary
2. Mount Boucherie Secondary School – Hairstylist Academy Fee Increase
The Board of Education approved the proposed fee increase of $100 (from $850 to $950/student) for the
Hairstylist Academy (Mount Boucherie Secondary School).
3. Mount Boucherie Secondary School – Mountain Biking Academy Fee Increase
The Board of Education approved the proposed fee increase of $60 (from $265 to $325/student) for the
Mountain Biking Academy (Mount Boucherie Secondary School).
4. Sexual Health Education Program Review (Level 1)
The Board of Education approved the Sexual Health Education Program Review (Level 1), including seven
recommendations to enhance program delivery.
The Board of Education reviewed the following:
1. Financial Update – March 31, 2023
2. Level 4 and 5 Field Study Summary – 2022/2023
3. Level 4 and 5 Field Study Summary – 2023/2024
4. General Statement – April 26, 2013
Items of Special Mention
The Board Chair, Trustees, Deputy Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent spoke of the following:
- Attendance at various events throughout the District including School Community Student Learning Plan
Conversations at Anne McClymont Elementary, École Peter Greer Elementary and Shannon Lake
Elementary Schools, the Mount Boucherie Secondary theatre performance of Failure: A Love Story, and the
Okanagan Mission Secondary Capstone presentations.
- Trustees, along with the Superintendent of Schools/CEO and Secretary-Treasurer, recently attended the
BCSTA AGM in Vancouver. Congratulations was expressed to Trustee Julia Fraser on her appointment as
Vice-President of the BCSTA Thompson-Okanagan Branch of the BCSTA. The Board Chair had the
opportunity to speak with the Minister of Education and Child Care at the AGM and invited the Minister for a
tour of Central Okanagan Public Schools.
- The Central Okanagan Bursary and Scholarship Society (COBSS) recently celebrated 52 years of
financially assisting local grads in pursuit of post-secondary education by hosting a Donor Appreciation &
Information Tea on Monday, May 1st. In 2022, generous donors gave 585 awards for a value of $545,315.
- May is Child Care Month and Friday, May 12th is Child Care Provider Appreciation Day. This is an
opportunity to celebrate the work of thousands of caring and committed child care providers and early
childhood educators.
- May 12th is Celebration of Women in Math Day.
- Mount Boucherie Secondary School will be hosting their first student community visual art show at the
Peachland Art Gallery opening on May 27th and running until the end of June.
- Central Okanagan Public Schools recently hosted nine educators visiting from Sweden. The group spent
a day at three schools to gain inspiration and to learn how to engage children in reading and writing. The
Swedish educators observed classes, took part in assemblies, attended support meetings and spent much
time in discussion and reflection with our educators.
- The Instructional Leadership Team is currently hosting Symposium 2023 - What Could School Be? This
Symposium is a celebration of the work that teachers are engaged with in the District. The morning is spent
hearing learning stories from various educators throughout the District. The afternoon is spent visiting the
educator's classrooms to observe, reflect on, and (re)imagine hopes and dreams for fostering student agency
in schools.
Next Public Board Meeting
Regular Public Board Meeting
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 6:00 pm
Board Standing Committee Meetings
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
4:00 pm Finance and Audit Committee
6:00 pm Education and Student Services Committee
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
4:00 pm Policy Committee
6:00 pm Planning and Facilities Committee