Fencing requirements
In the hopes of reducing injuries and death to deer and other wildlife, Council considered a request to amend a zoning bylaw prohibiting new wrought iron fences from having pointed pickets. Staff have worked closely with the Conservation Officer Service to develop the minor change to the fencing regulations. The bylaw amendment is not retroactive although it is hoped that many in the community will retrofit their fences to remove pointed pickets that could hurt wildlife. Council gave first reading to the proposed bylaw text amendment and forwarded the project to a future public hearing.
University Heights rental units
Council considered a rezoning request and Official Community Plan amendment to construct a 142-unit multi-family project on Academy Way. The proposal incudes a mix of two-, four-, six- and eight-plex buildings with two- and three-bedroom units. Council gave first reading to the proposed rezoning and OCP amendment and forwarded the project to a future public hearing.
2020 Financial Plan
City Council approved an amended 2020 Financial Plan. Council agreed to reduce the provisional tax rate increase by more than half, lowering it to 2.05 per cent from 4.15 per cent, in recognition of the financial challenges presented to many residents as a result of the COVID-19 health crisis. For more information, visit Kelowna.ca/budget.