World Hunger Day is May 28th.
Mealshare is raising awareness with its "Food For Thought" campaign offering educational tools and activities for kids in a resource kit.
Executive VP Derek Juno says, "In this resource package there's a couple different activities from drawing your favourite healthy meal to colouring pages to comic strips. Once a child or student finishes one of those activities they're able to send it to us, so someone can just take a picture and send it via email or they can just mail it to us, and that will provide five meals to children in need."
Juno says the company has partnered with Skip the Dishes to make this happen, "Skip has been amazing. They've done an initial $25,000 donation to Mealshare to provide meals to youth in need, because they realize how big of an issue youth hunger, especially during COVID, is. Normally the statistic that we use is nearly 1 in 5 kids are food insecure in Canada, but a lot of organizations say that it's more around 1 in 3 right now."
The campaign launched May 3rd and Juno says it's been a great success so far. Learn more or find the resource kit at