BC’s Health Minister Dix addressed on AM 1150’s Early Edition the country’s top medical official’s recommendation that everyone wear non-medical masks when physical distance may not be possible.
Dix said the problem with this is people start forgetting the more important measures.
“What’s the most important thing? Physical distancing. What's the best thing businesses can do? Engineering changes, like plexiglass. How do we control the number of people in a store, or restaurant...And if for whatever reason you can't maintain that distance, say you're a hairdresser, there's some argument for non-medical masks.”
Dix stated he stands by BC’s health officer Dr. Henry that wearing non-medical masks won’t necessarily protect you.
He added that yesterday they announced Interior Health only has two active cases, one in hospital and one at home, out of the 182 positive cases in the region.
Dix noted Dr. Henry said this could be the first pandemic in history without a second wave and he hopes it to be true.