Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, has issued the following statement in recognition of National Nursing Week, May 10-16, 2021:
"Nurses are an invaluable partner in our public health-care system. They answer the call of service to help others on a daily basis with all populations and in all settings in our health-care system.
"This has been especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic. We know and understand the emotional and physical toll the pandemic is taking on nurses, given they play a critical role in care delivery across the health system. Even though nurses are fatigued, they are showing true leadership and selfless passion by helping people heal in a very stressful situation.
"The theme of this year's National Nursing Week is 'We answer the call,' and our government is taking action alongside nurses to answer the call and transform how health care will be delivered in the years ahead and the important role nurses will continue to play.
"As the largest group of health-care providers in the province, nurses play a vital role in our health-care system. They continue to answer the call to service, and support the health and well-being of people in B.C.
"In B.C., there are 41,608 active practising registered nurses; 13,928 active practising licensed practical nurses, 3,077 active practising registered psychiatric nurses; and 685 active practising nurse practitioners. There are also 686 retired or non-practising nurses who have a temporary emergency registration to support the COVID-19 pandemic response.
"I also want to recognize Indigenous Nurses Day, May 10, 2021, and celebrate these important health-care workers who work tirelessly to meet the needs of Indigenous communities.
"Nurses are employed in diverse environments spanning clinical practice, education, administration and research. They work around B.C. in hospitals, primary care offices, residential and long-term care homes, public health, schools, universities, correctional facilities, government, private companies and the armed forces.
"Nurses are in our lives at the most important times. Whether it's helping someone improve their health, attending a birth, or even holding the hand of someone who is dying.
"On behalf of the provincial government, please join me in thanking nurses for their expertise and ongoing dedication."