The BC RCMP is pleased to announce that Inspector Kara Triance has been chosen as the new Officer in Charge of the Kelowna Regional Detachment.
Inspector Triance began her career with the RCMP in 2000, after studying Sociology and Criminology at the University of British Columbia. Her first posting was at Richmond detachment where she served for five years in frontline policing and serious crime as well as plainclothes duties that she then conducted throughout the province. Kara has also served in Bella Bella and on the Central Coast of B.C., in Vernon/North Okanagan including Armstrong and Falkland, with the Federal Border Integrity Shiprider program in Victoria and most recently as the first female Officer in Charge of Sea to Sky Detachment, since November 2016.
“Inspector Triance has policed Indigenous communities, large and small municipalities, rural and isolated communities, as well as international waters making the diversity of her experience the perfect fit for the Kelowna Regional Detachment,” said Chief Superintendent Brad Haugli, South East District Commander. “Her years of service covers all areas of the province and all aspects of policing - municipal, provincial and federal which are great assets to our Senior Management Team and we look forward to having her join us.”
Insp. Triance is the co-chair of the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police (BCACP), Diversity and Inclusion Committee and serves on the executive board for the B.C. Women in Law Enforcement (BCWLE) Association. Insp. Triance takes pride in her work with the BCACP and the BCWLE, and uses her passions, in these roles, to inspire police officers as leaders, and to support work that promotes diversity and inclusion across police agencies in British Columbia.
“We are very pleased with the selection of Inspector Kara Triance to lead the Kelowna RCMP detachment,” said Mayor Colin Basran. “We believe Insp. Triance is the right person to see us through the social change we’re experiencing in our community, with modernized approaches to reduce crime. Crime reduction requires a collaborative approach and her willingness to work with diverse groups across all areas of our community will help bring about positive change.”
“I am honoured to have been selected to serve as the next Officer in Charge of Kelowna RCMP Detachment. I have great expectations for accountability and excellence in delivering policing services. I look forward to engaging the community and police officers as we set our priorities for the coming year and beyond; partnering with and committing to a safe and healthy community. It is a privilege to be entrusted with this position of leadership as the RCMP Detachment Commander for the City of Kelowna, surrounding municipalities and rural areas,” said Kara.
Being born and raised in Kelowna, Kara looks forward to returning to her home community that she is very familiar with, where she will share her policing knowledge and experience through employee and community engagement. Kara enjoys the outdoors, sport, and adventure and is excited to enjoy the Okanagan, immersed in all it has to offer.
Insp. Triance will be promoted to Superintendent and assume her duties starting this Fall as the Kelowna Detachment Commander for the Regional District of the Central Okanagan which includes Kelowna, West Kelowna, Peachland and Lake Country.