To align with the latest Public Health Order issued by the Province, further adaptations are being made to the City’s recreation offerings including delaying the opening of the Stuart Park outdoor ice rink.
“We will continue to keep our rink operation plans flexible to align with Provincial direction and will use our phased operational model to open the rink in a safe and adapted manner when it is deemed appropriate to do so.” says Doug Nicholas, Sport and Event Services Manager. “We’ll be keeping a close eye on the latest updates from the Province and will reassess our opening timeline based on the information provided.”
Further direction around recreation facilities and programs is expected to be outlined by the Province on or before December 7.
Also part of the updated health order is direction around the use of masks including a requirement for everyone over the age of 12 to wear a mask in City recreation facilities, other than when in a program space engaging in physical activity. Masks are not recommended for children under the age of 2.
The release of Kelowna’s Winter 2021 Activity & Program Guide will be postponed to ensure the latest Provincial direction is received and can be updated before releasing the guide to the public. The winter guide will highlight City programs slated to start in January 2021 and will continue to be subject to change based on the latest updates from the Province.
In addition, until further guidelines are released by the Province, a number of fitness-based activities from Kelowna’s fall 2020 Activity & Program Guide have been suspended until further notice. Any impacted program participants will be contacted directly with updates and information. Cancelled class credits will be applied to participant accounts.
Strict maximum capacities and pre-booking systems continue to be in place for recreation facilities and programs that are ongoing and unaffected by the latest health order. For the latest information about safety guidelines and protocols in place for sport and recreation, visit