A new raised crosswalk and other safety features are being added to Jermyn Avenue to slow vehicles through the busy school zone between KVR Middle and Penticton High schools.
Construction is set to begin on Tuesday, Oct. 10, and work will take place outside of school hours to avoid disruption. Further details about the construction work hours will be made public once finalized, closer to the date.
This project was prompted as a result of requests from the schools, and received grant funding from both the ICBC Road Improvement Program and Vision Zero.
This work involves building concrete curb bulbouts on each end of a new raised crosswalk, which narrow the pedestrian crossing distance, improve sight lines and slow traffic. The City will be evaluating results and is in discussions with both schools involving other initiatives, with further details to be released once plans are finalized.
Updates on this project will be posted to penticton.ca/roadwork and distributed through the City’s news updates and social media channels.