In one Victoria area school, teachers have had enough trying to compete with digital devices in the classroom, so starting this fall - cell-phones and iPods will be banned.
Right now, Central Middle School allows students to bring their devices to class for learning, but that'll end in September.
Here in the Central Okanagan, District 23 Superintendant Kevin Kaardal says they're not having the same problems.
"It's not a challenge here," says Kaardal. "We've taken an approach and been a lead in the province around teaching students appropriate digital citizenship, so that they can use the technology, like any tool, for it's best purpose which is to support research, pull up knowledge and connect with the world."
Kaardal believes they've struck a balance - and students know when it's time to use, or not use, technology in class.
The BC Teacher's Federation says there's no provincial policy on cellphones, or other devices, in the classroom - schools set their own policies.