The RCMP handed out almost 100 tickets during a one day traffic enforcement blitz in Lake Country last Thursday.
Officers set up in two locations for about 7 hours targeting speeding and distracted driving.
45 tickets were handed out to drivers going 25 km/hour over the posted speed limit. Another 50 tickets were given for distracted driving and one person was also given an Immediate Roadside Prohibition for Alcohol.
"It is astonishing to see that, despite the public outcry and resulting increase in fines and points, so many motorists are still driving while distracted by Electronic Devices" said Constable Steve Holmes of the Kelowna Municipal Traffic Service in a news release.
A ticket for distracted driving carries a $368 dollar fine and 4 demerit points.
March is Distracted Driving month in B.C. and the RCMP want drivers to be mindful that distracted driving is a leading cause of motor vehicle fatalities in the province, according to ICBC.