The Okanagan Centre Fire, which was first called in at 4:30 pm Saturday, is currently 30 hectares in size - and it appears homes have been lost - but officials have not been able to confirm exactly how many.
Justine Hunse at the BC Wildfire Service says it's rated as a Rank 3 "which means it's a vigorous surface fire with a moderate rate of spread and potentially some candling up into the trees." She says the BC Wildfire Service has 11 aircraft and 1 helicopter supporting ground crews in the area.
Hunse says we need to be extremely careful, as there are strong winds in the forecast for the rest of the weekend.
"Today and into tomorrow we are experiencing a cold front, which brings with it an increase in wind, so that's definitely a factor that's contributing to the rate of spread - and the smoke activity that we're seeing in fires across the Kamloops Fire Centre," she says.
Emergency officials say a tactical evacuation was done for a number of properties in several upslope areas of Okanagan Centre - and evacuees are urged to check in at the reception centre at Kelowna's Salvation Army on Sutherland Avenue.
Bruce Smith at the Central Okanagan Regional District cannot confirm the number of properties evacuated - but believes it could be around 100.
You're asked to avoid Okanagan Centre Road West, Tyndall Road, Camp Road, and Long Road areas - and Glenmore Road North is closed at the landfill.
There's more information at