Today is the National Day of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims in Canada.
In Kelowna, an event called One Crash is Too Many will be held tonite at the corner of Dilworth and Highway 97, in the Orchard Park Mall parking lot, beginning at 530.
The organizer is Paul Hergott of Hergott Law in West Kelowna. His specialty is ICBC claims and personal injury. He has seen the devastation and the level of loss victims face when involved in a crash. He has also become intimately familiar with what causes crashes. Hergott believes most are preventable if only drivers would pay attention.
Hergott says, "Drivers need to keep their brains focused on the road and this means not driving impaired or having distractions." He says the number of crashes on our streets and highways would be reduced dramatically by being more attentive behind the wheel.
Hergott is passionate when talking about cell phone use. He is adamant that government hasn't gone far enough. He says the driving public continues to get a mixed message. We're told it's ok as long as we talk hands free when science and statistics say that's wrong.
Hergott is calling for handsfree cell phone use to also be banned. As he says, distraction is distraction when you're driving.