The fitness centre at Parkinson Recreation Centre will reopen to existing facility members starting Monday, July 20. To start, existing members will be asked to pre-book a time slot at the fitness centre online. The pool area and gymnasium at PRC remain closed at this time.
“We’re excited to welcome back our members to PRC, which will look a bit different since we closed our doors in March,” said Mariko Siggers, Community & Neighbourhoods Services Manager. “New safety protocols are in place and we are introducing an online booking system so our members can be assured that even during peak times, the number of guests in our facility will be monitored and capped so proper physical distancing can occur.”
The fitness centre will be open limited hours of Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. One-hour time slots to access the Fitness Centre are bookable online and are currently only available for facility members (monthly or yearly facility pass holders).
In addition to the online booking system, visitors to the facility will notice new safety protocols and guidelines in place:
“We appreciate the patience of our members as our reopening plans progress,” said Siggers. “Reopening a complex facility like Parkinson Recreation Centre needs to be done progressively as we implement new guidelines, training and protocols to ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers and patrons.”
Timing for the next phase of reopening Parkinson Recreation Centre is still to be determined and will explore the return of full facility access including the pool, hot tub and steam room, along with reintroducing drop-in activities. Reopening plans will progress as long as Provincial reopening guidelines and information from the Provincial Health Officer continues to align with facility reopening plans.