Despite the dry conditions in our forests and all the talk about human caused wildfires, there is no ban as yet on campfires.
A BC woman from the Caribou wants to change that.
Cambria Volonte has started a petition on and in just a couple of weeks, it has generated over 2 thousand signatures.
She says, "Change doesn't happen overnight, right? I think the more people who do support a ban would be where our voice will come from."
Volonte points out that there are many countries who have a campfire ban from a certain date to a certain date, just like we impose the use of snow tires on our highways over the winter months. She believes BC should do the same thing.
She adds, "I feel like if we can eliminate the number of forest fires that start because a campfire isn't properly put out or it gets out of control, that would be a good thing."
You'll find the petition at