It is once again that time of year - Spring
With this time of year comes warmer weather, more pedestrians, bicycles and motorcycles.
Drivers, please be extra vigilant at this time of year as pedestrians, bicycles and motorcycles take to the roads. Your caution might save a life.
With the warmer weather and sunshine motorists also have a tendency to increase their speeds. Please maintain the posted speeds when weather conditions allow for it. Remember, in the mornings and overnight any water from melting snow will turn to ice and create a hazard during the morning commute.
City and Highway maintenance crews are out cleaning up after winter sanding. Please remember to be safe and slow
down in these areas. If you see flashing yellow maintenance crew vehicle lights or tow truck lights you must slow to 70 Km/hr if in a posted
speed zone of 80 km/hr or above and slow to 40 km/hr if in a posted 80 km/hr or lower speed zone. It is the law in BC.
The minimum fine is $173.00.
Please drive safely and review the rules of the road with young cyclists in your household.
Also remember those
bicycle helmets.
S/Sgt. Scott West
NCO i/c Salmon arm RCMP