Update: August 18, 3:45 a.m.
Regional Board Chair Gail Given and Electoral Area West Director Wayne Carson know this has been an extraordinarily tough day for many residents who live in the neighbourhoods of the North Westside including Killiney Beach, Estamont, Aspen Shores, Summersands, Attenborough Road and Ewings Landing.
Following an initial assessment of the areas that sustained significant damage in the White Rock Lake Wildfire, staff with the Central Okanagan Emergency Operations Centre began contacting property owners this morning, letting them know their property status including those facing a complete loss.
“This summer’s aggressive fire behaviour is like nothing we’ve seen before. White Rock Lake Wildfire currently sits at more than 78,000 hectares and remains out of control.” said Chair Given. “In spite of the heroic efforts of our North Westside Fire Department, BC Wildfire and other partners, the blaze took about 70 structures. With over 1463 properties evacuated, I am grateful that no lives have been lost and that the dedicated crews managed to protect so many other structures.”
The area is still under an Evacuation Order, with fire activity reduced somewhat by last night’s rain. Although many residents have expressed the desire to get back into their neigbourhoods, this can not be permitted until fire conditions make it safe to do so.
“This has been one of the saddest days we’ve faced together in our community. Our thoughts are with the residents that have lost homes and property,” said Director Carson. “I’ve talked with many of the residents who got the news today. They are figuring out next steps. We’ll be here to help and we hope as they move forward in the days and weeks ahead, that their family and friends will be there to support them too.”
Director Carson, who is also out of his home due to the wildfire evacuation adds, “we know how difficult this is for those still out of their homes, but we’re going to ask everyone for patience to make it safe enough to get everyone home without injuries.”
A detailed map showing the present status of Orders and Alerts affecting properties within the RDCO on the Central Okanagan Emergency Operations website. Residents that are on Evacuation Alert and Order are reminded to sign up for updates on the site as well.
Those who are evacuated and concerned about their homes in the neighbourhoods listed above can also register with Emergency Support Services to make sure that officials have their contact information if needed. This can be done by registering online at or calling 1-833-498-3770.
Update: August 17, 5:13 p.m.
Due to reduced fire activity on the south end of the White Rock Lake wildfire, the evacuation order issued on Aug. 12 for properties in Fintry, La Casa and Shalal Road within RDCO’s Central Okanagan West Electoral Area has been reduced to an evacuation alert.
The new evacuation alert includes 608 properties from 6916 Barcelona Dr E (south end) to 7355N Westside Rd (north end), including the following roads:
The other evacuation orders and alerts for the White Rock Lake Fire remain unchanged at this time.
A detailed map showing the rescinded alert and order areas is available at cordemergency.ca.
Returning residents are reminded that they may encounter various hazards on private properties as a result of the forest fire. Active fire suppression work continues throughout the area of the fire, be respectful and stay out of the way of emergency vehicles and crews. Do not block access to streets or properties.
Burnt trees with little or no limbs have limited structural support and may fall at any time. Burning root structures leave the surrounding ground unstable and extremely hot. Wild animals may have been affected by the fire. If you spot an animal in distress, keep your distance and contact the Conservation Office at 250-828-2551.
As there was a disruption in electrical service, power may still be out in some areas but is being restored as quickly as possible. Check BC Hydro outages for information about your area.
When returning after a power outage, food in your fridge or freezer may no longer be safe to eat. Do not take any chances with the safety of your food. That Government of British Columbia has information on Food and Water Safety for residents affected by wildfires.
BC Emergency Preparedness has additional information for returning home after a wildfire.
Residents in the Alert areas are reminded to be ready to leave their home at a moment’s notice. They should be prepared to be away from their home for an extended period of time, pre-register with ESS online at ess.gov.bc.ca, make arrangements for pets and pack essential items such as medicines and important documents.
For those who have been notified of structural damage on their properties, resources are available at cordemergency.ca/resources.
A detailed map showing the present status of Orders and Alerts affecting properties within the RDCO is at cordemergency.ca/map.
For official situation updates and preparedness information subscribe and follow cordemergency.ca, facebook.com/cordemergency or twitter.com/CO_emerg or call the information line at 250-469-8490.