Vernon Fire Rescue Services (VFRS) is reminding residents and visitors that the use of consumer fireworks and sky lanterns is prohibited within the City of Vernon boundaries.
On the evening of July 9, VFRS received multiple complaints about fireworks in the Okanagan Landing area. While the individuals were not identified, this incident serves as an important reminder.
“With the extreme temperatures and prolonged drought conditions currently being experienced, it is important residents and visitors remain vigilant and take care to ensure that activities undertaken are not a source of fire ignition,” said Deputy Chief Brain Parsons. “Also, a reminder that fireworks, sky lanterns and campfires are banned in the area. Contravention to these orders could result in significant fines.”
Within the City of Vernon, the use or storage of fireworks without a permit may result in a fine of up to $300 and multiple fines may be issued for a single infraction.
Penalties for violating the open burning ban include a $1,150 ticket, administrative penalties up to $10,000, or fines up to $100,000 and/or one year in jail if convicted. If a violation causes a wildfire, the responsible party may pay for firefighting costs and damages to Crown resources.
Additionally, the BC Wildfire Act Section 12 prohibits the following during fire bans in the Kamloops Fire Center:
· Fireworks, including firecrackers
· Sky lanterns
· Binary exploding targets
· Air curtain burners
· Burn barrels or burn cages of any size or description
To report a fire inside City limits, call 911. To report a wildfire, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or dial *5555 on a cellphone. For the latest information on current wildfire activity across BC, visit