Beginning next week, construction crews will begin work to install the next phase of water transmission mains in the Sunnyside area to connect to the Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant (RVWTP).
Starting Monday, March 13, a section of Menu Road and Ourtoland Road will be closed to vehicle traffic and a thru-traffic schedule will be in effect weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pedestrian access will be maintained.
A temporary road closure is required to allow crews to complete deep excavation work as quickly as possible while ensuring safety of the public. The construction schedule is subject to weather conditions, contractor schedule changes and other factors.
Motorists are asked to reduce speeds and follow directions of traffic control personnel. Speed control measures will be in place with a speed reader board and electronic message boards with “Slow Down” messaging along the detour route. Cyclists are encouraged to follow posted detours or dismount through the construction zone. Access for transit and emergency vehicles will be maintained at all times
The next section of construction on Ourtoland and Ogden Roads will have single lane alternating traffic and will begin after completion of Section 1. Advance notice will be provided to residents living within the work area and the public prior to the start of construction.
Section 1 construction: Menu Road – Beginning March 13 for approximately eight weeks.
Section 2 construction: Ourtoland and Ogden Roads – To begin after completion of Section 1.
Future Section 3 construction: Schedule to be announced.
The City of West Kelowna and construction crews thank residents for their patience during construction.
Reminder to motorists – please do not park in front of residential driveways.
Residents living within the construction zone may find parking outside of the closure limits if time constraints are a consideration.
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