Letter from SD23 CEO to graduate students and families sent May 1, 2020:
Dear Graduates and Families:
We recognize that graduation from high school is an important milestone for both students and families. Graduation activities are cherished events where families get to celebrate the accomplishments of their graduates publicly. Central Okanagan Public Schools strongly believes it is important to recognize the class of 2020 and share the memories of the many years that have led to this significant accomplishment with classmates and families.
Teachers and administrators value celebrating accomplishments in academics, applied skills, athletics and the fine arts. We care about the graduating class and are planning to find meaningful ways to recognize them. We also want to recognize scholarship and bursary winners and thank the community sponsors for these important awards.
We must celebrate safely and follow the directions of Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry and Minister of Education, Rob Fleming regarding safe practices and physical distancing including a restriction on the size of gatherings. The traditional graduation ceremonies, Proms and Dry Grad activities cannot happen under the current Provincial Health Officer's orders.
As a result, it is time to reimagine our graduation plans and how we can celebrate the Graduation Class of 2020. Graduation Coordinators at your Secondary Schools have begun meeting with their graduation councils to develop new plans to make graduation meaningful and memorable. It is important that we listen to the voices of our graduates as we plan together to honour the class of 2020. School Principals will be working with their staff to finalize plans and will communicate them to parents and the community as they are finalized in the coming weeks.
Graduation 2020 will be a historic event due to COVID-19. Let's work together to make it meaningful and memorable for all.
Be safe and be kind,
Kevin Kaardal
Superintendent of Schools/CEO