A three-day closure of Parkinson Road in both directions is scheduled from Sept. 27 through 30 as crews install a storm-water tank and complete the watermain crossing to connect to the new Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant (RVWTP).
Motorists will need to detour via Bear Creek and Westside Roads, which will add approximately 10 to 15 minutes to their travel plans. Motorists are asked to respect other neighbourhoods by following posted speed limits along the detour route.
Throughout the closure, construction crews will not be able to guarantee access for cyclists and pedestrians. You are also encouraged to find alternative routes.
The City has reached out to School District 23 and BC Transit to notify them that bus routes will be affected by the detour over the three days. Check with sd23.bc.ca and bctransit.com/kelowna/schedules-and-maps regarding scheduling adjustments.
The City explored alternatives with the contractor, Bluepoint Construction, to avoid the short-term road closure but the stormwater tank’s size, required construction equipment, topography and limited staging area made the closure necessary.
Please note, the contractor will make every effort to complete this work within the allotted window but weather and other factors can affect the construction schedule.
The contractor will have message boards on site 72 hours in advance of the road closure – one each at Parkinson, Bear Creek, and Westlake Roads – as a reminder to motorists.
Residents and motorists are thanked for their patience while this essential infrastructure work is completed.