Smoke continues to hover over Kelowna today from a large fire burning in Washington State.
Fire Information Officer Rachel Whitt says the 'smoke haze' can be seen across the entire Okanagan Valley.
"The fire is located in the northern portion of Washington State, about 15 to 20 kilometers from the border. As well we have seen some wind came up through the afternoon, so that is likely the reason why the smoke is traveling as high as the Vernon area."
Despite no significant fires in the Kamloops Fire Centre, the fire danger rating is high to extreme.
Whitt says the smoke haze can confuse some residents into thinking a fire is nearby, when that's clearly not the case.
"What we are looking for is a distinct column of smoke. If you can tell their is one column, or a single plume of smoke coming up from a distinct source, that is when we need you to call the *555 number".
Currently, 149 fires are burning across BC.