It'll be a snowy weekend in the Okanagan.
Environment Canada's Matt MacDonald says snow will continue through the day in Kelowna, before getting heavier tonight..
"We're looking at 10 to 15 cms by Saturday afternoon for the Kelowna area. And as you move over the highway passes, as always it'll be a little snowier and uglier up there; the Coquihalla could see anywhere from 15 to 20 cms on that western side from the summit to Hope," he says.
MacDonald says we'll get a bit of a break during the day on Sunday, but then another system will arrive in the evening bringing more snow
He says Monday will be warmer with a high of +2 - but with a chance of showers and a low dropping to -5 - there's a possibility of freezing rain.
The City of Kelowna's snow-clearing crews are also back on the streets.
Roadways Operations Supervisor, Stephen Bryans, says in a pre-emptive strike - they sent crews out Thursday night to de-ice the major routes.
He says Friday morning, crews were sanding and salting - and when the snow piles up some more - the heavier equipment, like the graders, will hit the streets.
Bryans says they'll eventually make it to the residential streets, but the immediate focus is keeping the main roads and feeder routes clear.