At 9:34 pm on Nov. 27, 2020, Kelowna Fire Dispatch received a 911 call reporting smoke coming from inside a building in the 3000 block of Appaloosa Rd.
On scene, the first arriving Crews confirmed smoke inside 2 story business with a single suite below. A offensive fire attack was deployed and the fire was controlled from the interior.
The building sustained minor fire damage but extensive smoke damage to the upper level. Tennent in the lower level was allowed back into the unit because of no damage to it.
Four Engines, a Command Unit, and Rescue truck totaling 18 fire personnel were on scene to fight the fire along with assistance from RCMP and EHS .
The cause of the fire was oily rags left in a open garbage container.
Kelowna Fire Department would like to remind everyone Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms save lives, remember to check the batteries on a regularly.