Vaping is becoming more popular than smoking among youth.
It is a concern among educators across the country including School District 23.
Superintendent Kevin Kaardal has sent a letter home informing parents of the dangers.
"I think it is a concern or I wouldn't have written the letter. It is just off property and it used to be where kids would go smoke and now they go vape. Students vaping far out number the kids who are smoking which we have a concern about as well."
The District is calling on the provincial and federal government to enforce tougher regulations when selling vapor products to young people.
"I mean we have a concern that this is increasing as a habit and we have a concern that many of the vaping products contain nicotine which is highly addictive."
Kaardal says it's difficult to police vaping in schools, which is prohibited, with the products often camouflaged as pens.