Read the latest council highlights from the June 11th meeting.
FireSmart – In Committee of the Whole, Council received a detailed briefing on the District’s current and past efforts to reduce fire risk in and around the community. More than 250 acres of District land has been treated with fuel removal by hand cutting, or controlled burns, in the last decade.
UBCM meetings – Also in Committee of the Whole, Council discussed what meetings they would like to arrange with the provincial ministers during the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) convention in September. Meetings will be requested on the following topics: provincial support for a primary care clinic in Summerland; financial supports for servicing agricultural land; Summerland Aquatic Centre support; Bill 44 and the need for supporting infrastructure funding; alternative power and mutual support working with BC Hydro; need for further improvements and support for highway 40; and clean energy financing option for residents.
Delegation – Summerland Dog Owners Association - A presentation was provided requesting that the temporary dog park at Peach Orchard Park be made permanent, and that esthetics and accessibility be improved as well.
Delegation – LocalMotive – A representative from the organization spoke about their plans for a new food processing and storage facility for their use in the vicinity. An opportunity for partnership was offered given the District’s own goals to see a Food Hub in the area.
Okanagan Food and Innovation Hub – Council was briefed on the current status of the proposed Food Hub and heard that the District’s land partner (Garnet Valley Ranch) had to rescind involvement due to market changes. Council directed that a Memorandum of Understanding be arranged between Community Futures, LocalMotive and the District to collaborate on the possible co-location of a Food Hub with LocalMotive, utilizing grant monies held by both parties to maximum effect.
Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw – Council supported changes to recreation and cemetery fees to remain aligned with other communities in the region. Council heard that regular updates to fees ensure that the right balance is achieved between what users of the services should pay and what should be subsidized by all residents through taxation.
2023 Statement of Financial Information – The Financial Information Act requires municipalities to prepare a Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) each year to be filed with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Within the SOFI, the Schedule of Remuneration & Expenses includes information which must be considered annually by Council under Section 168 of the Community Charter. When compared to 2022,
2023 Annual Report – Council considered and received the 2023 District of Summerland Annual Report which is also posted on the District website. The report details progress on Council’s strategic priorities, and includes many key facts and figures on the operational service delivery of the organization.
Council Procedures Bylaw – Council reviewed its Procedures Bylaw in light of the Province’s direction under Bill 44 to ensure de facto public hearings are not held on subjects where public hearings are no longer allowed. It had also been practice to limit the opportunity to appear before Council as a delegation to groups and organizations, given that individuals could make comment in the public comment opportunity. Council agreed to more clearly permit individuals to appear as a delegation to address Council on any relevant matter. Members of the public will still have the opportunity to comment on agenda items at the beginning of Council meetings but the second opportunity to comment on any subject was removed since individuals can now appear as a delegation. The changes bring the District more in line with other communities, with public comment focussing on the business items of the agenda. Other ways for the public to be involved or submit their views to Council -- including letters, emails, public hearings, public open houses -- remain unchanged.
Official Community Plan: Downtown Neighbourhood Plan Amendments – Council approved the first two readings and scheduled a public hearing for July 2nd to amend the OCP to incorporate changes necessary to realize the vision of the Downtown Neighborhood Action Plan. The amendment allows for zoning updates and increased residential density; Wharton street improvements and burying of electrical lines; redesign of Henry, Kelly and Wharton Streets to also include a new Memorial Park entry plaza that will bring prominence to the cenotaph and the memorial purpose of the park; and street light design options.
Peach Orchard Beach Dog Park – Council passed a motion to turn the temporary pop-up fenced dog park into a permanent installation, and to curtail off-leash activities outside the dog park. Staff will return with options at a future Council meeting regarding design options for a permanent dog park. The decision was made after rejecting a notice of motion brought forward by Mayor Holmes to explore alternative locations for a temporary pop-up park.
Note: These highlights are intended to provide a brief summary of recent Council proceedings. The summary is not inclusive of all, agenda items. For a detailed account of the full agenda, including staff reports, other supporting documents and official meeting minutes, please consult the District of Summerland website at or contact Corporate Services at 250-404-4037